What does LETS mean?

LETS is an acronym standing for "Local Exchange Trading System" (or "Local Employment Trading System" or sometimes even "Local Energy Transfer System"). The term was coined by Michael Linton and others in Canada during the early 1970s for a system modelled on commercial barter systems. Since then LETS have proliferated around the world, evolving to meet local conditions and needs. Consequently LETS now differ from each other quite considerably in scale and structure, ranging from the very small (and almost secretive) to the city-wide and beyond (multiLETS). The term "LETSystem" is generally used to identify those LETS which conform to the original Linton model. For a useful overview of LETS and other community currency systems try consulting the following sites:

Lets-Link UK - the original UK LETS support organisation. LetsLink UK provides valuable information to those who wish to start or develop a LETS. Orientated more towards smaller systems, but nonetheless broad in its coverage of the LETS world.
The International Journal of Community Currency Research (IJCCR)
The econ-lets mailing list - fast-moving discussion, mostly very useful (although sometimes a little noisy).
gmLETS - an excellent point from which to start exploring the world of LETSystems. This site is maintained by LETSgo Manchester.

So is Llani LETS a typical LETS?

In most ways, probably. Like most small-scale LETS it has its own idiosyncracies, some derived from the experiences of neighbouring LETS, some purely a consequence of local conditions. It is intended that Llani LETS will always be able to adapt to meet the changing needs of its members, however.

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